This morning we got up and rode with some friends for coffee while watching the sunrise. We rode took a slight detour from our route to avoid some marathoners and ended on the top of the parking lot just as the sun was peeking over the tree tops. It was a beautiful, cool and crisp morning spent with friends and coffee. What a great way to start a Saturday.

This weekend Tsuki could have run for the full ride, but we went up and down the street in front of our house while waiting for friends to arrive so she didn't quite make it to the parking garage, so I rode a few blocks and up three stories with her on the back. She was definitely happy to run this morning. She was running as fast a I was willing to ride for a total of six miles, and after we got home she did not want to be left behind. After I left again, she tried her best to get out of the yard to find me, but I had places to go that she could not follow.
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