Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Midweek Coffeeneuring Ride!

What a Wednesday today was!  I actually was ready early this morning so I decided to stop at Panera on my way to work.  My Panera Rewards card is giving me a free bagel every day in October, so I am trying to stop by every chance I get.  I also had received a $25 gift card so I decided to get my Jenny (my co-teacher) a coffee as well.  I try to bike commute every day on my lovely Kapua and the Panera is only about a mile away from work, but as I was approaching the store, I realized, I only had one cupholder and wasn't sure how I would make a second cup work.  I started looking at my bike to find a solution and thought, I can just stick it in the handlebar bag.  That should make it safe......

As I was ordering my drinks, I realized that I could count it as a coffeeneuring ride as well, so I would need to remember to take a photo once I got my drinks.  Of course, when that moment arrived, I completely forgot.  There were too many other things on my mind, like getting these drinks safely to work, on bumpy old roads.  I unlocked my bike from the bike rake around back put the cups on the handlebars and headed off.  When I had to stop at the red light, I remembered my need for a photo and quickly got it taken before the light turned green.  I am pretty proud of my ability to get all the important elements included in the quickly snapped photo.

The drinks made it to work safely, even though there was a lot of coffee splashed onto the lids.  Jenny was happy to see me with a lovely drink, and the day started quiet well!

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