Saturday we rode over 16 miles on the Galloway trail with our friend Susan with a detour to Sunshine Bike to look and their bikes and I fell in love with the Volpe going back to buy it that evening before they closed.
Sunday I led a group geocaching on the Frisco Trail. It was a lot of fun except for the cold front that arrived, causing us to shorten our ride. We ended up finding 10 geocaches though and it was a first time geocaching for most of the group, so all in all it was a success.
A week later I was sick with the flu and poor Tsuki was bored, so I took some silly closeups of her wishing I would take her for a run/ride. It took forever for me to feel strong enough to get back on the bike, but as the semester ended and winter break began, I was ready to get out. I didn't get any pictures of the next ride, but I did get a picture of her crashed out on the couch after running about six miles.
I took her out on a familiar trail most days during the week of Christmas doing a loop that is between 11 and 16 miles, depending on how far I ride before heading back home.
I was able to go up a fairly steep hill with her on the back on the new bike. Since the weather was bad and it was a couple of days before Christmas there were very few people on the trails, so I gave her some freedom off leash when it was safe. She was so happy and did such a good job staying by the bike.
I am sad that my break is over and I will not have as much time to spend with my dog on the bike, and am finding it difficult to focus on work related activities when I really just want to get out and ride. Although slightly warmer temperatures and more sunshine would make it much more enjoyable!